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Friday, July 24, 2015

Knowing God as Our Refuge

Well, friends, today we are in Proverbs 30 with the Good Morning Girls. Before I talk about knowing God as our refuge, I want to let you know that all next week we will be soaking in Proverbs 31 which is all about the Proverbs 31 woman. You'll find all the details in Courtney's post, How to Avoid Strife, over at Women Living Well, home of Good Morning Girls. I'm so excited about this in-depth look at the Proverbs 31 woman!

Proverbs Summer Bible Study with Good Morning Girls

Every word of God proves true; 
 He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. 
~Proverbs 30:5

A shield is used to protect something from danger. Remember that part of our armor is a shield of faith that extinguishes the flaming arrows of the enemy {Ephesians 6:16}. When those fiery arrows threaten to pierce our hearts we can raise up our shield of faith in God and run into the safety of His arms. 

God and His Word are a shield of protection for me. I can run to God by opening up my Bible and reading the truth of His Word that calms all my fears, doubts, and insecurities with this world. I can trust every Word from God. I know the end of the story and do not have to fear concerning the evil of this world. 

When you think of the word "refuge", what comes to your mind? 

A thick, walled fortress?

A huge, fortified building?

Whatever picture comes to your mind, we all will agree that a refuge is a place of safety. So when we read in the Bible that God is our refuge, God is telling us that He is our safe place.

We can trust this word from God because as the beginning of the verse states, "every word of God proves true". I can testify that God has proven Himself to be my refuge, and I'm sure you can too! He has proven His Word in my life many, many times!

God is our shelter of refuge where we can run to be safe as He shields us for whatever we may face in this life. David was the perfect example in the Bible of someone who knew God as his refuge. There were times in David's life where he was literally running from people who were trying to kill him. He always found safety in God. The Psalms are full of David crying out to God to intervene on his behalf in situations that were going on in his life. David recognized God as his safe place.

The same holds true for us when we pour out our hearts to God seeking help or protection. This is how we experience knowing God as our refuge

When we come to know God as our refuge it helps us to trust Him more freely. With each time we find safety in His arms, our trust and faith is built up just a little bit higher. We learn that we need not fear people or situations that threaten to harm us, whether it be in a physical or spiritual sense, because God is our shield and our refuge. 

Before I close, here is the reading plan for Proverbs 31 that starts on Monday. I look forward to studying the Proverbs 31 woman with you!

Proverbs 31 Reading Plan

Walking in His Grace, 

I'm Blogging Through the Bible with Courtney Joseph and other Good Morning Girls! Click on the image below every Friday to read other posts from more sweet friends who are BTTB too!

Blogging Through the Bible with Good Morning Girls

Each week, I am blessed to be able to link-up with the following awesome blogs. While you're here at Grace-Filled-Moments, please take some time to visit my blogging friends listed below.
Tuesday: F. Dean Hackett ~ Tell It To Me Tuesday, Time-Warp Wife Titus 2sDay, Hip Homeschool Moms
Wednesday: A Little R&R, Messy Marriage, Mom's Morning Coffee, Soul Survivor, Wholehearted Home
Thursday:  Hearts for Home, I Choose Joy, The Evolution of Mom
Friday:  A Divine Encounter, Missional Women, Women Living Well, home of Good Morning Girls


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