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You may find this post linked up with my awesome blogging friends at these Blog Parties. I hope you'll check out their blogs!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband and for Your Wife

How did we get to the month of November this fast?! It's hard to believe we only have this month and December left in the year 2016. I hope this year has been a year of growth for you, your spouse, and your marriage.

November is a time to focus on all that we have to be thankful for. As I think back over this year, I'm reminded of all the ways I am thankful to God for all He has done in the various situations we've had to walk through this year. One situation that comes to mind is my husband's accident in which he fell off of a ladder at our church while taking down Christmas decorations in January that resulted in an acute concussion. God spared his life and healed him completely. It was a painful and lengthy recovery period, but God was faithful to answer our cries for help and healing. That's just one of many instances that come to my mind as I think back over this past year. My family truly has so much to be thankful for. I hope you'll find some time in which to think about all that you are thankful for as we head into the Thanksgiving holiday.

Let me take the time now to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Here are the Scripture Prayer Calendars for the month of November. Simply click on the images below to download your free marriage prayer calendar.

Walking in His Grace,

Sunday, October 2, 2016

October Scripture Prayer Calendars for Your Husband and for Your Wife

October is such an exciting time in our home! My husband's birthday is October 1 and October 5 is our son's birthday. So we have been in birthday celebration mode yesterday and will be again on Wednesday. I always make homemade birthday cakes for them, and for the past 2 years Phil has asked for my Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Chocolate Cake. It is AHHMAZING!!

Me and Phil aka the birthday boy and my famous Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Chocolate Cake

Fall is in the air and I am loving it! I've pulled out our fall decorations and decorated around the house. From now until Christmas will be filled with so many opportunities to make wonderful, fun-filled family memories! I hope you and your family will do the same!

Here are the October marriage prayer calendars for you to download for free. Happy Fall Y'all!!

Walking in His Grace,

Thursday, September 1, 2016

September Marriage Prayer Calendars for Your Husband and for Your Wife

Happy September!

My family and I are vacationing at the beach and having a wonderful time! I haven't forgotten about you though so here are the marriage prayer calendars for September. Thanks for joining me in praying for our marriages!

Simply click on the image below to download your free prayer calendars.

Walking in His Grace,

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

August Scripture Prayer Calendars for Your Husband and for Your Wife

I'm sorry to be late publishing the August Scripture Prayer Calendars. I blinked and July was over! haha

Here are your free printable calendars! Thanks so much for continuing with me in this monthly journey of praying for your spouse! Simply click on the images below to get your marriage prayer calendar.

Walking in His Grace,

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

July Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband and for Your Wife

The printables for the July Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband and for Your Wife are ready! For July's marriage prayer calendar, I focused on Scriptures from the book of Psalms. Sometimes when praying for our spouse, we don't know exactly how we should pray. That's when I head straight to the Psalms! They are wonderful prayers and praises to God that speak for me when I don't have the words or am having trouble expressing what's in my heart.

My friends, there are words in my heart even now that I so long to share with you. Words that tell all that I have discovered since beginning this journey of prayer for my husband. July is the one year anniversary since inviting you all to join me on this journey of prayer for our marriages! Here's the initial post I wrote announcing about these monthly marriage prayer calendars - Scripture Prayer Calendars for Our Marriages - if you'd like to take a look. I've been amazed at what God has done through this as so many of you have joined me each month and have been so faithful to pray for your spouse too.

Here are just a few of the thoughts that are in my heart tonight:

  • Prayer is hard.
  • Prayer is engaging in spiritual battle.
  • God may not always answer the prayers you pray for your spouse in the ways you thought He would.
  • Be ready for the spiritual battle you are engaging in when you commit to pray for your spouse by staying in the Word of God and being intentional in your prayer life.
  • Your prayers may bring things to the surface in your spouse's life that are difficult for you both as you face those things head on together - and with God's help.
  • Do not grow not grow weary.
  • Trust that God loves you and your spouse and He wants your marriage to succeed and thrive.
  • Your spouse is not your enemy.
  • God can help you to love your spouse as He loves them.
  • Marriage is a beautiful picture of God's love and forgiveness for each one of us.
  • Forgive always as you have been forgiven by God many, many times as well.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thanks for letting me share with you some of the things that are on my heart tonight as we head into another month of prayer for our spouses and our marriages. What has God shown you in the one year that you have been on this prayer journey for your spouse? Feel free to share in the comments below. Know that I'm praying for you, your spouse, and your marriage.

Here are the downloads for the July Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband and for Your Wife. Simply click on the images below to download your prayer calendars.

Walking in His Grace,

Monday, May 30, 2016

June Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband and for Your Wife

Is it just me or has this month FLOWN by? It's time again to get ready for another month of praying the Scriptures over our marriages! I'm so glad you are here and will be joining me in the month of June as we pray for our spouses. It's my pleasure to share with you today the June Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband and for Your Wife!

Life is so busy, but we cannot neglect to spend time in prayer every. single. day. for the one God has knit our hearts together with in this journey called life. There are Scriptures here in these calendars that you can use to guide your prayers for your husband and for your wife every day in the month of June. I'm so thrilled that husbands and wives are using these Scripture prayer calendars to pray for each other and for their marriage!

If these marriage prayer calendars have made a difference in your marriage, please consider sharing this post with others so they, too, can begin to pray God's Word over their spouse and marriage. Thank you for sharing!

Now to get your June Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband and for Your Wife, simply click on the images below.

God bless you, your spouse, and your marriage!

Scripture Prayer Calendars

Scripture Prayer Calendars

Walking in His Grace,

Monday, May 2, 2016

Win a Family Registration to 2016 NCHE Thrive Homeschool Conference Plus Free Scavenger Hunt Printable

I love being able to offer you a chance to win a family registration to the 2016 NCHE Thrive Homeschool Conference! Thank you to NCHE!!

One of my most favorite things about attending the NCHE Thrive Homeschool Conference is stepping into the Vendor Hall. There's a certain excitement you can feel in the air as homeschoolers - parents and kids alike - take in all there is to offer from the amazing vendors that are invited to set up each year at the homeschool conference.

Here's a peek at just a few of the vendors that you'll see this year who will set up in an area of 45,000 square feet! Yes, you read that right - 45,000 square feet! Eeekk!!

  • Abeka
  • Alpha Omega Publications
  • Analytical Grammar
  • Apologia
  • ARTistic Pursuits, Inc.
  • BiblioPlan for Families
  • BJU Press
  • Bob Jones University
  • Christian Light Education
  • Classical Academic Press
  • Classical Conversations, Inc.
and so many more! Check here for the complete list of vendors for this year's NCHE Thrive Homeschool Conference.

So what will the kids be doing while you're busy shopping? Here's a Free Scavenger Hunt Printable I've made to keep your kids occupied! You're welcome! LOL

To get your Scavenger Hunt Printable, simply click on the image below!

As promised when I gave you my 5 Must-Haves for a Homeschool Conference, here's your chance to enter to win a Family Registration to the 2016 NCHE Thrive Homeschool Conference!

See you at the 2016 NCHE Thrive Homeschool Conference June 2-4, 2016 at the Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem!

Walking in His Grace,

Saturday, April 30, 2016

May Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband and for Your Wife

I cannot believe how fast April went by, can you?! Tomorrow is May 1st, so that means it's time for a new Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband and for Your Wife.

Download your free calendars simply by clicking on the images below.

May Scripture Prayer Calendar for My Wife

May Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband

Let's get intentional about praying for our spouse in the month of May! If you're joining me in praying for your husband or for your wife, I would love to hear from you! Feel free to leave me your comments below. Don't forget to follow me on Facebook so you can get reminders at the end of each month about the upcoming month's Scripture Prayer Calendar downloads.

Walking in His Grace,

Friday, April 1, 2016

April Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband and for Your Wife

It thrills my heart to know that so many of you are using these Scripture Prayer Calendars for your marriage! Know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Keep those messages coming because I love to hear what God is doing in your marriage!

April is a very special month to me because that's when I get to celebrate my marriage to my husband, Phil. Not that we don't celebrate our love every day, but wedding anniversaries are extra special, right?! This April 5th we are celebrating 19 years of marriage! We both praise God for His faithfulness, for His goodness, and for the many truths He has taught us concerning marriage.

We have faced many ups and downs in our marriage, but one thing is for sure...

"A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." 

~Ecclesiastes 4:12

I cannot stress the importance of this verse enough when it comes to my marriage and to yours. We MUST keep God as the center of our marriage, and to do that, we MUST keep Him the center of our individual lives.

Keeping God as the center of our marriage and of our lives requires us to be intentional. That's another post for another day (stay tuned...hint, hint!).

On to this month's Scripture Prayer Calendar! Be sure to watch my Facebook page, Grace-Filled-Moments, for my monthly announcement of when these Scripture Prayer Calendars are ready. Here are your free downloads - simply click on the images below. If you missed last month's post, then you haven't heard the great news! My Scripture Prayer Calendars are now available for husbands, too so they can pray for their wife!

Marriage Scripture Prayer Calendars

Marriage Scripture Prayer Calendars

God bless you and your marriage!

Walking in His Grace,

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

5 Must-Haves for a Homeschool Conference

I've already started my countdown to the 2016 NCHE Thrive Homeschool Conference here in my home state of North Carolina! This year's conference will be held June 2-4, 2016 at the Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem, NC. I've been going to this annual conference for many years now. This year I'll be going as a high school homeschooling mom! I can't believe it - where has all the time gone?!

I'm excited to be going again this year as part of the 2016 NCHE Thrive Blogger Team! This will be the third year that I've been on this amazing team of homeschool bloggers who will be keeping you up-to-date on all the exciting details of this year's NCHE Thrive Homeschool Conference! I'll be hosting a giveaway for a FREE Family Registration here on my blog compliments of NCHE. Check back here in April for that giveaway!

Now on to my list of 5 Must-Haves for a Homeschool Conference!

What should I take to a Homeschool Conference

5 Must-Haves for a Homeschool Conference

Number One: Lunch Cooler

I love to save money (especially during Conference time!) and packing my lunch cooler each day of the Conference is a must for me. This saves me money and saves me from waiting in the long lines at the snack stations. I fill my lunch cooler with bottled water, protein bars, sandwiches, chips, and fruit. The savings I enjoy from bringing my lunch cooler definitely come in handy inside the Vendor Hall!

Number Two: Schedule Printout

As soon as the schedule hits the NCHE website, I print a copy and start making my game day plan! I really like to take time to read over the speaker intros and the workshop descriptions so that I can prayerfully make my selections of where I will spend my time. Your schedule printout is a must-have that will set you up for a successful Conference experience!

Number Three: Address Labels

Let me tell you that I learned about this Homeschool Conference must-have last year. I have a ton of address labels that I have gotten for free in my mail after giving donations to various organizations. So last year, I grabbed up a bunch of my address labels and stuffed them in my Conference notebook. I used them in the Vendor Hall for the giveaways that I was interested in. Well, imagine my surprise and delight when I received an email that I had won a giveaway and was able to get $200 worth of books for FREE! Address Labels - must have - don't forget I tell ya!

Number Four: Good Shoes and Sweater

I'm combining these two must-haves here. You will be doing a lot of walking - no doubt about it! Make sure you are wearing comfortable shoes so your feet aren't aching by the end of the day. Some of the conference rooms are very cold so be sure to bring along a sweater that you can slip into if needed.

Number Five: Tote Bag for Vendor Hall Purchases

I love shopping in Vendor Hall - there I said it!! My Thirty-One zipper tote bag is a must-have for me to carry my purchases in. I'm only homeschooling one child, maybe you are homeschooling more and will need more than one bag. In the past, I've also used those rolling carts, but found them just too bulky to try to get around with inside Vendor Hall. If my tote bag gets full, I can just run to the parking garage and unload my purchases into my van.

There you have it! My 5 Must-Haves for a Homeschool Conference! What are some of your must-haves when you go to your state's Homeschool Conference? Feel free to leave me a comment below!

Don't forget to check back here in April for my giveaway of one FREE Family Registration to 2016 NCHE Thrive Homeschool Conference. Follow me on Facebook so you don't miss that post!

Walking in His Grace,

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March Scripture Prayer Calendar - Now Available for Husbands Too!

I was thrilled to get a private message from a reader asking me if there would be anything out there like my Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband that her husband could use to pray over her! Bless her heart! She knows the power of prayer and desires prayer for herself from her husband!

Well, I told her I would be very happy to make a Scripture Prayer Calendar for husbands to use to pray over their wives. The Scriptures are identical on both calendars so you both will be praying the Word in agreement over each other - that is just beautiful!

It's what my husband and I have been doing since I've been creating these prayer calendars. Now you and your husband can do the same!

Are you using these Scripture Prayer Calendars? I would love to hear from you - please leave me a comment below!

Here are the FREE March Scripture Prayer Calendars for you and your husband! May God knit your hearts together in prayer for your marriage using these Scripture Prayer Calendars!

Simply click on the images below to download your March Scripture Prayer Calendars.

If your husband is looking for a Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Wife, I'm so happy to present to you this FREE March Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Wife!

Walking in His Grace,

Sunday, January 31, 2016

February Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband

It's hard to believe we are already finished with the month of January! I must say this year has not started out anything like I thought it would.

My family was at church on Wednesday, January 6th, taking down Christmas decorations in the sanctuary when the unthinkable happened. My husband fell off of the 8 foot ladder that he was working on as he tried to hang up one of the banners in our church sanctuary. I ran to him and he was unresponsive at first. An alert friend immediately called 911. I was a mess, crying and scared that I had lost my husband. A dear friend helped to calm me down so I could call my mother-in-law and father-in-law. I couldn't stop crying so she did all the talking. As I was crying, I was praying and pleading with God to spare Phil's life.

God heard and answered my prayers. I am so thankful! Phil was in ICU Wednesday through Friday before being released. The symptoms from the acute concussion were terrible for my sweet husband. Vomiting, nausea, and headaches plagued him night and day. There were times when all I could do was cry out to God and pray the Scriptures for healing and comfort that I had taken the time over the years to memorize. I cried out and rebuked the devil too! There were nights that Phil and I both took turns praying Scriptures and asking God to intervene in what was an awful and painful time for him.

God was faithful to answer our prayers every single time as moments of relief for Phil were granted. The neurologist says it will take time for Phil to get back to his normal routine of life. Thankfully the nausea, vomiting, and headaches have stopped, but Phil hasn't been released to go back to work or to resume his work-outs. My husband is a very active man so this waiting is hard for him. But I remind him that God is in control and His timing is perfect. He still has some dizziness that comes and goes so he can't overdo it. I'm taking care of him and encouraging him to relax as much as possible and let me handle everything around the house.

Friends and family have been the hands and feet of God during this time. We are so blessed to have such love in our lives. I would ask that you'd remember my husband in your prayers for a complete healing and no long term side effects from this injury. You all know how much I believe in the power of prayer and I thank you for joining me in praying for Phil's healing.

I'm determined now more than ever to continue to pray every month for my husband and to invite you to join me each month by sharing the Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband.

Here is the February Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband. Simply click on the image below to download and print your copy.

Scripture Prayer Calendar

And don't forget that you can subscribe by email so the FREE Scripture Prayer Calendar for Your Husband can be delivered straight to your inbox each month. Be sure to confirm your subscription in the confirmation email that will come to you.

Enter your email address:

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Thanks again, friends, for your prayers and for joining me in the month of February as we pray together for our husbands!

Walking in His Grace, 