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You may find this post linked up with my awesome blogging friends at these Blog Parties. I hope you'll check out their blogs!

Monday, October 28, 2013

How to Control Your Emotions Week 3

Wow, here we are in Week 3 of How to Control Your Emotions So They Don't Control You (a mom's guide to overcoming)! How is everyone doing? I would love to hear from you, so take a moment to leave me a comment of what you are learning so far in our journey.

I love Chapter 3 "Where Do We Get the Power to Overcome?" because it is a wonderful reminder of the power of Heaven that we have access to as children of God.

If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead 
dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead 
will also give life to your mortal bodies 
through His Spirit who dwells in you. 
(Romans 8:11)

As we read this week, I pray that our hearts would be opened to the power of Heaven that is available to us as children of God, and that we will remember who we are in the heat of the moment so that we can choose to respond to the honor and glory of God with our emotions.

I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this chapter! I look forward to meeting here with you on Friday for our Blog Link-up Party where we'll share our hearts. If you don't have a blog, please leave your thoughts in the comments so we can learn from each other!

Learning to overcome together,


Friday, October 25, 2013

How to Control Your Emotions Week 2 Blog Link-up Party

Is it just me, or has Week 2 flown by?! Honestly, this has been a tough week. My emotions have been up and down as I've dealt with struggles my son has faced this week. You see, he has Asperger's Syndrome, OCD, and ADD. Bless his heart, this has been a tough week for him and for me as his mom. His anxieties have stressed me out and made me cry out to God on his behalf. I've been all over the place with my emotions. 

This week's reading was Chapter 2 How to Overcome Lies With the Truth. It's exactly what I needed to get me through this tough week!

Here are some quotes from this chapter that made a huge impact on me this week.

I'd spent so much time on my knees about the things that were wrong that I'd forgotten to look at the things that were right.

And yet, as my emotions went from 0 to 10 in a matter of seconds, I realized I had done the same thing—overlooked the good for the bad.

My feelings escalated based on the reality of what I was currently seeing, and it took the Word of God to bring a new reality. 

These three quotes remind me to look for the good even in the midst of trying times with my son, and to look at these situations through the lens of God's Word so that the truth can shine through the lies that seek to send my emotions in a downward spiral.

More quotes from Chapter 2...

Romans 8:6 says, "For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace." Doesn’t this verse perfectly describe the challenge we face in getting past our own emotions? Almost every time I get caught in a difficult situation my emotions rise up from the ashes threatening to consume me, and I’m left with a serious choice: set my mind on Jesus and His never-changing truths, or choose to believe the lies instead.

Setting my mind on the Spirit—that gift of God that is able to work in me making me more like Jesus—brought back my peace, and helped me see God’s reality instead of my own. Feel, Know, Do.

Really, what I want you to understand, friends, is that what we can see and feel are often entirely different from God’s reality—the true reality.

What amazing insight these final three quotes from How to Control Your Emotions So They Don't Control You (a mom's guide to overcoming) have brought to me this week!

Finding Truth

Here's the truth I came away with in this week's reading:

When I look at life's circumstances through the lens of the Word of God, my flawed perception of reality is changed by the truth of God's Word. I can trust that God is in control and that everything He has said in His Word will come to pass in His time.

Focusing on the Good 

Remember our challenge this week? In my post on Monday, I asked you to focus on what your son is doing that is good. As I've typed the words for this post, thoughts of the struggles my son and I have had this week have raced through my mind, and the Holy Spirit brings one very important "good thing" to the forefront of my mind about my son. 

He is going to God in prayer!
This week as he has battled with anxieties he has prayed to God asking Him for help. Our bedtime routine includes reading two Psalms and praying - first my son prays and then I pray for him. When these anxieties began to overtake him at the beginning of this week, my son's prayer brought tears that I could not hold back. My heart broke for him as he cried out to God. I couldn't believe the prayer that was coming out of his mouth! It literally moved me to tears. He has continued to powerfully pray for himself every night this week. The fact that he is learning to go to God in prayer does my heart good. It's what I hope will come to my mind in those moments when my emotions need to come under the truth of God's reality and not my own.

Learning to Overcome,


I can't wait to read your thoughts from this week's reading! Please link up your blog post using the Inlinkz tool or share in the comments section below. I'll see you back here on Monday for Week 3!


How to Control Your Emotions Week 2

Blog Link-up Party

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Heartschooling: Life's Teachable Moments

Good morning! Today you'll find me guest posting at Godly Glimpses in Jennifer's Heartschooling series. I'm sharing all about how we set aside our homeschool books and schedule last week to experience heartschooling with life's teachable moments.

I hope you'll join me over at Godly Glimpses and leave a comment on how you have experienced heartschooling with your kids! 


Monday, October 21, 2013

How to Control Your Emotions Week 2

Welcome back for Week 2 of How to Control Your Emotions So They Don't Control You (a mom's guide to overcoming)

This week we are reading Chapter 2 How To Overcome Lies With the Truth. I have to tell you I cried as I read Brooke's heartbreaking recollection of her miscarriage at the beach. In that story, she reminds us all of the hope we have in finding good things in all situations if we take the time to look for them. 

I think all of us moms get caught in the trap of focusing on all the negative so much so that we forget all that our sons are doing that is good.

This week as you read through Chapter 2, I want to challenge you to focus on what your son(s) is doing that is good. Link up your blog post or comments here on Friday telling me all about it! If we're busy focusing on the good this week, hopefully we can better handle our emotions when the rough spots happen.

Knowing what God's Word says about this will be instrumental to us as we seek to complete this week's challenge and in learning the "Feel, Know, Do" method. The Bible is our source of truth that can change the way we feel as we look at our circumstances through its lens. 

Let's use this verse from Romans 8:6 that Brooke quotes in Chapter 2 as we seek to focus on the good about our sons this week:

"For to set the mind on the flesh is death, 
but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace."

I'll see you back here on Friday for our blog link-up party where we'll share our thoughts about this chapter and how we did in our challenge for this week. Remember, it's okay if you don't have a blog - I invite you to share too in the comments section of Friday's post!

Overcoming with the Truth,

Friday, October 18, 2013

How to Control Your Emotions Week 1 Blog Link-up Party

Welcome friends! I hope this first week has been a blessing to you. I can't wait to read your blog posts about what you gleaned from this week's reading! At the end of this post you'll find the link to use so you can link-up your blog post. If you do not have a blog, please share your thoughts from this week in the comments section at the end of my post.

This week we read the Introduction and Chapter 1 of How to Control Your Emotions So They Don't Control You (a mom's guide to overcoming). See below the questions I asked in my post on Monday for our discussion today. In case you missed Monday's post, you can read it here.


Week 1 Questions

As you read through Chapter 1 this week, think of a time when you've invited God into your circumstances and felt a shift in your emotions that caused you to react in a way that pleased God. Next, think of a time when you failed to invite God into your circumstances and instead let your emotions take control in a way that did not honor God. Looking back on that time now with the "Feel, Know, Do" method, what steps should you have taken instead that would have been pleasing to God? 

Chapter 1 ends with Brooke speaking about the importance of worship. Think of a time when your act of worship has brought peace in the midst of undesirable circumstances. Describe your act of worship and what it meant to you.

I'll go first in sharing what God laid on my heart through this week's reading. 


Moving from Anger to Inviting God Into My Circumstances

My whole life changed during the month of June 2012 when my husband and I were given the news that our son had Asperger's Syndrome, OCD, and ADD. This past year and four months have held many trying and exhausting situations as we try to help our son with the struggles related to these diagnosis'. I have not always handled my emotions in a healthy way. My blog actually started as a way to voice my struggles as I tried to make sense of all that was happening. I've dealt with a wide range of emotions...being mad and crying out to God...anxieties over what the future holds for my son...being short tempered with my's been an emotional roller coaster ride! So when I had the opportunity to read Brooke's book and lead this study, I was so thankful! I know that God has brought Brooke, her book, and this study into my life to help me. I believe you are here too because you feel the same way!

I remember clearly a time when I failed to invite God into my circumstances when this was all just unfolding for my family. I shared how I was feeling and the outcome in my post I Wrestled with God and He Won. I was mad at what was happening in our life. It all came to a head for me one night as I did bedtime devotions with my son. I was reading Psalm 100 and Psalm 150 to him and it was hard to even get the words out. I realized then how unhealthy my emotions had gotten. After putting my son to bed I knew I needed to get alone with God and work out my feelings. You can read all about it in the post I've linked to above. In short, it was during this time too that I invited God into my circumstances in that moment; and there was definitely a shift in my emotions. Read these words I wrote in my post:

My questions and anger turned into tears of thanksgiving as I reminded God of his promises to me which are found in His Word that over the years I have hidden in my heart. 


So I'm giving up myself in this struggle and finding God's gift of peace as I surrender the unknown to Him. I'm trusting that all things will work together for good because my family and I love God and we are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) 

Can you see the "Feel, Know, Do" method? I can, and it's amazing to me that today God is confirming our interaction we had that night over a year later as I learn the "Feel, Know, Do" method through How to Control Your Emotions So They Don't Control You (a mom's guide to overcoming)

That night after I wrote the blog post describing what had happened, I found myself searching YouTube for worship videos. I even created a Pinterest worship board to pin my favorite worship songs. I sat in the dark that night listening to worship music and praising God for His goodness. I also asked God to forgive me for the anger I had felt; and thanked Him for the peace He had given me.

My deepest desire is to love Jesus well and shine His light in my home. I believe in the Word of God and I know the power it has to speak truth into my circumstances. I'm learning how important it is to stand on that truth instead of letting my negative emotions take me on a downward spiral that is no good for me or my son. I hope you'll join me here again on Monday as we take on Chapter 2 How to Overcome Lies with the Truth!

Learning to Overcome,


Now it's your turn to link-up your blog post about this week's reading. If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

How to Control Your Emotions Week 1

Blog Link-up Party

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, October 14, 2013

How to Control Your Emotions Week 1

Welcome to all of you who have committed to join me for the next 5 weeks as we walk through the pages of How to Control Your Emotions So They Don't Control You (a mom's guide to overcoming). I'm so excited today has finally arrived! I have been anticipating our time together and praying our hearts and minds would be open to what God wants to show us through our study.

I am so amazed at the positive response to the invitation to join this book study. It is so comforting to know that I am not alone when it comes to struggling with my emotions. You are not alone either! For the next 5 weeks it is my prayer that together we will learn that our emotions do not have to control us and that we can also learn how to overcome the downward spiral of emotions that seek to run our lives. I truly believe Brooke's book will be the tool God uses to help us learn how to react differently to situations by using the "Feel, Know, Do" method she describes.

So let's get started with Week 1...

Week 1 Reading

This week we will be reading the Introduction and Chapter 1.

Week 1 Questions

In the Introduction, Brooke lists 4 questions for us to ask ourselves before digging into the truths that are necessary for us to overcome the challenges we face with our feelings and emotions. Let's examine our hearts using those questions Brooke asks us on page 5:
  1. Do we believe the Word of God is true?
  2. Will we study the Bible, taking the time to understand what it says?
  3. Will we choose to believe what the Bible says is true, even when what we see and feel screams something different?
  4. What is our deepest desire? (To be right or to love Jesus well?)
Settling in our hearts the answers to these questions is necessary before we begin to learn how to bring our emotions under control with the authority of God's Word.

In Chapter 1, Brooke explains the "Feel, Know, Do" method using Psalm 13 written by David at a time in which his emotions were seeking to take control in the midst of his circumstances. As you read through Chapter 1 this week, think of a time when you've invited God into your circumstances and felt a shift in your emotions that caused you to react in a way that pleased God. Next, think of a time when you failed to invite God into your circumstances and instead let your emotions take control in a way that did not honor God. Looking back on that time now with the "Feel, Know, Do" method, what steps should you have taken instead that would have been pleasing to God? I think it's important to look back and think how we could have done things differently so that the next time we are faced with a similar situation we can be better equipped to make the choice that will honor God with our emotions. 

Chapter 1 ends with Brooke speaking about the importance of worship. Think of a time when your act of worship has brought peace in the midst of undesirable circumstances. Describe your act of worship and what it meant to you.

Meet me back here on Friday for our Blog Link-up Party where we will share our answers to these questions and discuss our thoughts of this week's reading. If you do not have a blog to link-up, you are invited to leave your answers and thoughts in the comments section of my blog post on Friday.

I'd like to close our time together today in prayer:

Heavenly Father, I thank You for each woman who is here with me today, ready to begin this journey of surrender with our emotions. I pray that You would open our hearts and minds to be sensitive to what You would have us learn this week. Bind the hand of the enemy who would seek to keep us bound up in lies instead of Your truth that sets us free. Thank You for Your love and mercy that is new every morning. Be with us this week in all that we do. Help us to make choices that honor Your name. May the words of our mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord God. In the life-changing name of Jesus I pray. Amen!

Until Friday,


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Success with Homeschool Writing

While planning our curriculum schedule earlier this year, I searched the internet for a writing curriculum that my son and I could use in our homeschool. It was a desperate search I have to admit because writing is a subject my son struggles with. I have tried other curriculum that have ended in tears and frustration for both me and my son. My search brought me to Essentials in Writing, and I was so happy with what I saw on their website! I was given a copy of the Essentials in Writing Grade 5 curriculum in exchange for my honest review.

Remember the tears and frustrations I told you my son and I have experienced with other writing curriculum? Well, I'm relieved to report that is not the case with Essentials in Writing! Excuse me for a moment while I do my happy dance! ;-)
Essentials in Writing does not overwhelm my son, yet I feel confident it will be successful in teaching him proper grammar and the mechanics of writing so that another person can understand what he writes. Now that is success with homeschool writing!

What I Like About Essentials in Writing:

  • Step by step instructions for daily lessons are given for me on the Essentials in Writing website. I've printed these instructions off and place them in my teaching binder for writing.
  • DVD lessons presented by Matthew Stephen, the creator of EIW, are short and engaging as he teaches to actual students.
  • The lessons are a reasonable amount of work so that my son does not become overwhelmed.
  • Worksheets are in PDF format so I can print them off as I need them. My son is sensitive to things such as the binding of a workbook – he likes his worksheets to lay flat – which I can do by printing them off individually with the PDF file.
  • Answer key is provided for the worksheets.
  • The whole program is laid out so that it is homeschooler friendly and not as complicated as some of the other writing programs out there that I've looked at.
  • The price of the program is very reasonable and affordable for homeschooling families with limited budgets.
  • I was given help in choosing the best grade level for my son whose struggle with writing has put him behind. We were told Grade 5 would be best for his situation. It has been a perfect fit for him!


How We are Using Essentials in Writing:

  • We first take a look at the lesson’s worksheet for the day’s assignment. I briefly describe to my son what we will be learning.
  • We watch the DVD segment for the day’s lesson together. If I feel it is necessary, I will do further examples that were discussed during the DVD lesson on our whiteboard.
  • After watching the lesson, we complete the assignment. Some lessons have multiple worksheets that are done on consecutive days. If my son needs the review, we will watch the lesson again before completing the next day’s worksheet.
  • We end our writing time by talking about what he has learned and looking at the next day’s lesson.

Sections of Essentials in Writing:

  • Section I         Grammar and Other Topics
  • Section II        Composition

I like how my son is being eased into the writing process. Matthew has carefully structured his curriculum by first creating a strong grammar foundation in the student before tackling composition assignments. This shows a thoughtful concern for the success of the student in my opinion. I appreciate that so much!

If you have a child who is struggling with writing, I would highly recommend Essentials in Writing. Visit their website here to learn more!

Friday, October 11, 2013

How to Control Your Emotions Book Study

Welcome friends! I am so glad you have made the commitment to join me on this 5 week journey into Brooke McGlothlin's new ebook How to Control Your Emotions So They Don't Control You (a mom's guide to overcoming). Our study doesn't start until Monday, October 14. Today I just want to touch base with you to share some of my thoughts before we dive into our study on Monday and to give you a few reminders of how our book study will work.

My Thoughts About the Journey We Are About to Embark

Do you know that you have been prayed for? Jesus prayed for you over 2,000 years ago (see John 17). Brooke, I, and others involved with How to Control Your Emotions So They Don't Control You (a mom's guide to overcoming) have prayed for you too.

We are about to embark on a new way of thinking that will challenge us to a new way of living. Jesus' teaching of the disciples aimed to transform their way of thinking and doing things from that of the world to that of His kingdom. That is His desire as well for us today, and it is my desire as we begin this journey into seeking to overcome our emotions by submitting them to the authority of God. Brooke's method of "Feel, Know, Do" is the tool God has provided for us to do just that.

Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. -Romans 12:2

The task ahead of us will not be easy. There will be days when we will fail, but we can look to God's Word again for hope and encouragement. Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:6, 

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness,
for they will be filled. 

This is not just a casual hunger and thirst my friends...this is a desperate hunger and thirst that seeks to turn away from the ways of this world and walk in God's will instead. And the good news is Jesus said we WILL be filled!! 

More encouragement for us can be found in Galatians 6:9:

Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time
we will reap if we do not grow weary.

Dear friends, my hope is that we will hang on to these promises during our journey together and long after our time of study (on those not so perfect days) as we seek to walk in the knowledge God will reveal to us! Let's stand on these promises together!

 A Few Reminders

  • Get your copy of How to Control Your Emotions So They Don't Control You (a mom's guide to overcoming) here.
  • Subscribe in the "Follow by Email" link at the right of this blog post so that you'll get my posts for this book study.
  • Meet me here on Monday, October 14 for Day 1 of our book study. I'll be sharing some questions with you to think about as you read the week's chapter.
  • Friday is link-up day! I invite those of you who blog to link-up your blog posts about what God has shown you on the chapter we have studied together during the week.
  • If you don't have a blog, I invite you to come here to my post on Friday and leave your thoughts in the comments.

I am so excited the time has arrived for our book study! Have a great weekend and I'll talk to you again on Monday!

Blessings to you,



Thursday, October 3, 2013

Making My Home a Haven

I'm looking forward to joining the 4th Annual "Making Your Home a Haven" Fall Challenge with Courtney Joseph at Women Living Well! During the month of October, Courtney will be sharing each Monday a practical tip and a spiritual tip that we can do to create a haven in our home. 

Week 1 of "Making Your Home a Haven" begins on Monday, October 7. Go to Courtney's blog at Women Living Well to find out about the first week's challenge as well as all the other challenges.

Free Giveaways

Did I mention that Courtney is doing a free giveaway each week in celebration of the release of her new book, Women Living Well: Finding Your Joy in God, Your Man, Your Kids, and Your Home? She has posted each free giveaway that will be happening throughout this fall challenge. Be sure to enter for your chance to win!

What the "Make Your Home a Haven" Challenge Means to Me

The definition of haven is any place of shelter or safety. This is what I desire for my home to be for my husband and children. I want to make my home a haven for my husband when he walks in the door from his job. I want to make my home a haven where my children feel loved and protected. Making my home a haven is one of my top priorities. I am thankful to Courtney who shares this vision in her own home. The challenges she has planned for us in the coming weeks will help us to slow down and take time to make precious memories with our husband and our children. I'm ready to get about you? 

Will You Be Joining the 

"Making Your Home a Haven" Challenge?