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Friday, March 28, 2014

Biblical Hope - My Journey Begins

I've been thinking a lot lately about hope. I even did a little study on it that has started a journey for me into a deeper understanding of what hope truly is for a Christian. It's a journey with Jesus, and I'll be blogging about what I'm learning in the weeks ahead.

Here's what I've found at the beginning of this journey...

Biblical Hope

Hope, in the sense that we normally use it, is based on uncertainty.

"I hope to get that raise at work I'm due for," means "I don't have any certainty that I will get that raise, but that is my desire." 

"I hope my medical test results are good," means "I don't know if the results will be good, but that is my desire."

See the uncertainty?

On the other hand, Biblical hope is so much more! It's not just a desire for something good in the future, but according to John Piper, Biblical hope is:

"A confident expectation and desire for something good in the future."

Not only is Biblical hope desiring something for the future, but more importantly it is wrapped up in expectation - a confident expectation!

John Piper goes on to say:
"But Biblical hope is never based on what is possible with man. Biblical hope looks away from man to the promise of God."

I love this verse from the Bible that speaks of our God of hope...

God of hope

Oh yes, I will be committing this verse to heart during my journey into discovery of Biblical hope!

I'll stop here because I think this is a lot to meditate on during this next week. I hope you'll join me on my journey into discovery of Biblical hope in the weeks ahead. I'm excited about what God has shown me so far. I don't know how long this journey will be, but I sure would love it if you'd come along with me! To be sure you don't miss out on my weekly post in this series, simply subscribe by email using the "Follow by Email" link in the sidebar above my picture.

As usual, please feel free to leave me a comment below sharing your thoughts. Let's grow together!

Walking in His Grace, 

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