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Friday, July 17, 2015

Knowing When to Stop

Knowing when to stop is an important concept to grasp in our lives as we see in Proverbs today with the Good Morning Girls. It's an area of my life that I'm working on even as I write this blog post.

Proverbs Summer Bible Study With Good Morning Girls

If you have found honey, eat only enough for you, 
lest you have your fill of it and vomit it.
~Proverbs 25:16

I have a confession to make...I don't have much self-control with my eating habits. Knowing when to stop with food is a struggle for me, and it's a part of my life that I'm desperate to change.

This past Tuesday evening, I went to a local Weight Watchers meeting and signed up. I need the structure provided with this eating plan as well as the accountability each week in stepping on the scale.

Today's verse really caught my attention since I'm on this new eating plan with Weight Watchers. I'm learning the importance of eating only enough that my body needs like this verse says. I want these changes to be lifelong and a part of who I am.

Too much food has caused me to gain weight that has led to high blood pressure. Getting the extra weight off will help me to get my blood pressure back to a normal state. I'm on medicine that my doctor prescribed, and I hope to come off of it once I lose these extra pounds.

It's hard developing new habits of knowing when to stop. But, as with everything else in my life, I know with God's help, all things are possible.

You'll probably be hearing more about my weight loss journey. I'd love to hear if you're on the same journey of weight loss that I'm on. Please share in the comments!

Walking in His Grace, 

I'm Blogging Through the Bible with Courtney Joseph and other Good Morning Girls! Click on the image below every Friday to read other posts from more sweet friends who are BTTB too!

Blogging Through the Bible with Good Morning Girls

Each week, I am blessed to be able to link-up with the following awesome blogs. While you're here at Grace-Filled-Moments, please take some time to visit my blogging friends listed below.
Tuesday: F. Dean Hackett ~ Tell It To Me Tuesday, Time-Warp Wife Titus 2sDay, Hip Homeschool Moms
Wednesday: A Little R&R, Messy Marriage, Mom's Morning Coffee, Soul Survivor, Wholehearted Home
Thursday:  Hearts for Home, I Choose Joy, The Evolution of Mom
Friday:  A Divine Encounter, Count My Blessings, Missional Women, Women Living Well, home of Good Morning Girls


  1. I hope you do share your weight loss journey. This verse spoke to me in the same way and I need to have more self control and it is hard. I know you will be successful
    because you have the right attitude and that is a great start.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words, Kathy! I hope sharing here will help others who share in this same struggle. I'm right there with you in needing to exercise more self control. Yes, it is hard, but with God's help, anything is possible. Thanks for commenting. :)

      Walking in His Grace,
