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You may find this post linked up with my awesome blogging friends at these Blog Parties. I hope you'll check out their blogs!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Unlock the Power of Proverbs for Your Life

We are up to Proverbs 19 with the Good Morning Girls. I must admit, now that we are halfway through this wonderful book of Wisdom for our lives, feeling a bit overwhelmed at all that is contained in Proverbs. I'm wondering, how in the world am I going to remember all of these principles? How am I going to be able to unlock the power of Proverbs in my life?

Proverbs Summer Bible Study with Good Morning Girls

He who gets wisdom loves his own soul;
He who keeps understanding will find good.
~Proverbs 19:8 (NKJV)

I love how the Good News Bible translates this verse.

Do yourself a favor and learn all you can; 
then remember what you learn and you will prosper.

God has given us the most bountiful treasure in the pages of the Bible. This verse in Proverbs 19 tells us we love ourselves when we do all that we can in order to get wisdom for our lives from His Word.

But life is busy, isn't it? You and I have many hats we wear on a day-to-day basis. Wives, mothers, employees, sisters, friends - all of these are important relationships that demand our time and attention. So how do we fit in time alone sitting at the feet of Jesus to soak in the living waters that can only come through Him? Here's how you can unlock the power of Proverbs in your life.

Three Ways to Make God's Word a Priority in Your Life

Number One: Make the Decision

Make the decision today that you will commit to spending time in God's Word every. single. day. Your commitment to this decision is the starting point for the rest of this list to make God's Word a priority in your life.

Number Two: Tell Others About Your Decision

Let your family and friends know about your commitment to be in God's Word every day. Accountability is a good thing to have in our lives. Otherwise, we may let the priority to be in God's Word every day slip as the busyness of life chokes out our time alone with God. My husband and son are very respectful of my time alone with God. They know when I go back into our homeschool room to get alone with God that it's a top priority in my life and usually they don't disturb me. I'm also in accountability groups with the Good Morning Girls. It's such a blessing to be accountable with other women who have a hunger and thirst for God's Word just as much as I do. So be sure to tell others about your decision!

Number Three: Be Determined

Don't allow anything to take away your commitment to being in God's Word every day. I keep talking about how busy our lives are - and it bears repeating. This is life, but we have to be determined to stick with our commitment - even if it means we get up earlier in the morning or go to bed later at night so that we get in our time of sitting at the feet of Jesus. This time is truly the "one thing that is needed" {Luke 10:38-42}. Don't allow anything to take that precious time away from you. Be determined!

Making God's Word a priority in our lives is the only way we can "learn all you can" as Proverbs 19:8 instructs us to do. We cannot stop, though, with simply learning what God says in His Word. We must take the next step which is remembering what God says and being obedient to walk in His wisdom for our lives. This is how we will "find good" and "prosper" in our lives.

Our pursuit of God's wisdom for our lives must be intentional and persistent. It's only then that we will be able to unlock the power of Proverbs - and the rest of God's Word - for our lives.

Walking in His Grace, 

I'm Blogging Through the Bible with Courtney Joseph and other Good Morning Girls! Click on the image below every Friday to read other posts from more sweet friends who are BTTB too!

Blogging Through the Bible with Good Morning Girls

Each week, I am blessed to be able to link-up with the following awesome blogs. While you're here at Grace-Filled-Moments, please take some time to visit my blogging friends listed below.

Tuesday: F. Dean Hackett ~ Tell It To Me Tuesday, Time-Warp Wife Titus 2sDay, Hip Homeschool Moms
Wednesday: A Little R&R, Messy Marriage, Mom's Morning Coffee, Soul Survivor, Wholehearted Home
Thursday:  Hearts for Home
Friday:  A Divine Encounter, Count My Blessings, Missional Women, Women Living Well, home of Good Morning Girls



  2. #2 is so important! Accountability really does help improve success with anything. Thanks for sharing!
